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Washington, United States
loves: you win if you guessed "pets" and "museums". Also books, art history, travel, British punk, Korean kimchi, bindis, martinis, and other things TBD. I will always make it very clear if a post is sponsored in any way. Drop me a line at thepetmuseum AT gmail.com !

Monday, May 13, 2013

dog food recipe, virginia 1909

I always call my vet office when I need pet food advice (actually I call them at the drop of a hat; they must be sick to death of me - hi, Dr. Smith).  I wonder what the staff there would say to the recipe for "dog bread" below, from a very old-fashioned Southern book of bird dog care.  Since I'd never seen any dog food recipe quite like this, I offer it as a curiosity. What do you think of it?
One of the best all around foods that we know of is made from a recipe appearing in the Amateur Trainer, one of the best books on training of the bird dog in the English language, and written by our friend, Ed. H. Haberlein, of McPherson, Kansas, and sold by him at $1.50 postpaid, a book that you all should have. His formula is as follows: —

"Secure scraps at your meat shop, or buy a chunk of cheapest beef; put this into a kettle with hot water and a pinch of salt, and boil until meat falls from the bones; fish out the latter, and with a fork stir meat into shreds, to remain in the broth. Now stir and work into this a mixture consisting half and half of corn meal and shorts (bran - curator) to a stiff dough; fill low pans and place into a slow oven till quite well baked through. When cooled cut pone into suitable pieces. The quantity of meat thus worked into meal and shorts may be in proportion of one to six.  At the slaughter house the head of a beef may be had for the asking, and such a one can be utilized for the above purpose with very good results. After boiling, the bones of the head become quite brittle, and these form a splendid part of the dog's diet. Dog bread made as above stated will keep for a long time, and it embodies nourishment of the very best quality; the dogs eat it with delight and remain in excellent condition".
from Clarence Archibald Bryce, M.D., The Gentleman's Dog, His Rearing, Training and Treatment (Richmond, VA:  Southern Clinic Print, 1909) pp. 20-21.

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