(34) TITLE: Treatment for the eyes (?) of a bull with wind (cold ?).
(35) If I see [a bull with] (36) wind, he is with his eyes running, (37) his forehead? uden (wrinkled?) the roots (gums?) (38) of his teeth red, his neck (39) swollen (or raised ?) : repeat the incantation for him. Let him be laid on his side (lit. his one side), (40) let him be sprinkled with cold water, (41) let his eyes and his hoofs (f) (42) and all his body he rubbed with gourds (i) (43) or melons, let him be (44) fumigated (? k;p ?) with gourds .......... .. (45) wait herdsman .......... .. (46) be soaked .......... .. (47) that it draws in soaking......... until (48) it dissolves into water: let him be rubbed with (49) gourds of cucumbers. Thou shalt gash (F) (50) him upon his nose and his tail, thou shalt say (51) as to it, “ he that has a out either dies (52) with it or lives (53) with it.” If he does not recover and he is wrinkled (l) (54) under thy fingers, and blinks (P) his eyes, thou shalt bandage (55) his eyes with linen lighted (56) with fire to stop the running.
So, rub him with cucumbers and gourds, and possibly bleed him from the nose and tail to let evil humors out. Interesting, and hopefully of some comfort somewhere to the bull. From William Matthew Flinders Petrie, and Francis Llewellyn Griffith, Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob: (principally of the Middle Kingdom), B. Quaritch, 1898, p. 13.
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