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Washington, United States
loves: you win if you guessed "pets" and "museums". Also books, art history, travel, British punk, Korean kimchi, bindis, martinis, and other things TBD. I will always make it very clear if a post is sponsored in any way. Drop me a line at thepetmuseum AT gmail.com !

Saturday, June 02, 2007

arezzo: the cat sanctuary

I was curious about this state-of-the-art cat rescue in Arezzo, so I went looking for it.

It's called the "Rifugio per gatti CINNI", the Cinni Cat Refuge, and it's a great site. Lots of information and pictures. . . unfortunately, the text is all in Italian and there's no English version! I limped through really interesting parts with the godsend of BabelFish translations. However, I warn you those are not going to be anything close to perfect, as you shall see below:

About people dumping their spring kittens:
Come ogni primavera si ripresenta il gravissimo problema dell'abbandono dei cuccioli... Il Rifugio Cinni dà accoglienza a tutti i gattini rifiutati, abbandonati o, come spessissimo succede, gettati ancora vivi nel sacco della spazzatura, senza alcuna speranza di salvezza e destinati ad una morte atroce.

BabelFish translation:
Like every spring ripresenta the most serious problem of the abandonment of the cuccioli... The Cinni Shelter gives to acceptance to all the gattini refuses to you, abandons to you or, as thickest it happens, it still throws to you you live in the bag of the trash, without some hope of salvation and assigns you to one dead women atrocious.

Yeah. You see. But you still get the message.

1 comment:

Graham said...

Please note the site is now in English, and an Italian version is due shortly.