Well, for the occasional smile, seeing them recreated with pets. Melinda Copper's done this about as deftly as my picky eye could hope - check out Botticelli's Birth of Venus kitty style, or dog "Poppins" as Elisabeth Vigee-LeBrun's selfportrait (here's the original. See what a good job?) How about bunny Moose as Caravaggio's Bacchus?
Terrific stuff and great choices from the Old Masters! Enjoy them all, here.
Oh and I went to Fremont Solstice Fair yesterday: so many PEOPLE, and so many dogs. Here's a happy pug watching the parade:

Do you know, does she actually paint those pictures, or does she do them on a computer? We haven't found anyplace where it says.
Goodness, I didn't even think - I assumed she painted them. Now I'm all curious : )
I am Melindas husband Bob, All of her work is painted in acrylic, She will sometimes even sculpt a model to work from so that the light is right. We have heard this before, with people always suspecting photshop, but a careful examination of the work will show that the figures have been completely reproportioned to the animal. Melinda and I are glad that you enjoy her work.
Relax, Robert. No critisism mean or even considered. When all you see is an image on a compooter screen, an obvious question is: Is it really there?
Bye the Bye. Check out the work at places like The Cat Realm, Zoolatry , or Karl & Ruis before pooping on photoshop work.
Woo! I totally missed all this! The first critical analysis discussion the Museum has hosted. Hi Lee County Clowder, I'll drop Robert a line to say hi.
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