2. Does anybody call you a moggie?
Yes they have done so. I am indeed a moggie. A common cat, a gutter cat. The tough life I led before luxurious living fell to me, was hard. Many fights have left me scarred and battered, but I think it gives me the manly edge. I still have the occasional rumble with cats who dare enter our garden. They don't come back if they have sense. I am often referred to as:- Wuudlermonger, Wuudleesh, Manuudlerz, Nuudles, Nuudler, Whickish, Owlish Boy and Grizzle Arse.

Moggie and Mog are common in the UK. Puss-puss and Puss too. Muggeral is a rare word to denote a thick necked, tough cat, that's me. Tom, self explanatory. Gib, a neutered tom cat (rarely used now)
Caith, is Welsh for cat, I am from Wales (caithau = plural) Cait is Scottish Gaelic for cat. Machka or Mac'ka are romany for cat. There are some Romany speakers not far from where I live and they say it as "mouchkass" and it's an old word for "mouse catcher." But one of the elders in their community say it's from a very old Romany word meaning "unclean" (the cheek of it!). Catte - old English. Catling - still used sometimes, a word for cat from medieval times.
4. Where other than the armchair do you like to be? Do you like to sit on the newspaper? Which one do you like to sit on most?
These days I like to sit on the back of that old armchair (It was brought here with me when my original Mum died, I now live with her daughter). It's a good look out post by the window, handy as I am the resident sentinel cat. I also have my own futon, which I share with the other three cats who live here. I sit or sleep on the back of that too as it also gives me a great view of the street, the comings and goings of people, horses and cars. I do not like humans to sit on my futon.
The shed roof is a good place to sit, it gets super hot and I happily bake myself up there when the sun is out. Sometimes I get too hot for humans to touch me. I will sleep in a good dusty, earthy wallow under the ferns in the garden too. I am often covered in dust and earth, but always keep my paws pristine. I adore sitting on my Dad's chest most of all. I like to pin him down and purr hard. If he moves, I will miaow mightily in his face.
There is a fleecy jumper on the sofa, which was meant for my brother Gerry, but I have taken that over as mine. Only Angel O'Cakes, the most senior cat is allowed to sleep in it. I wouldn't dare cross her, she's eighteen and does not mess about if she is displeased. If I want attention I will sit on whatever a human is reading. Newspapers, books, the post, empty plates, keyboards, I do not care, all are concealed beneath my mighty backside.
If you pet me slightly incorrectly I still don't hesitate in giving you the bitey. I am nothing if not generous. If Elizabeth is a bitey cat, then I would extend my warmest regards to her. I admire a feisty feline.
* * *
Curator here, with sincerest thanks to WW!
You're most welcome dear Curator. I am most flattered to be featured and hope the patrons find me to be a satisfying exhibit ;)
I do so enjoy getting the chance to examine the lives and times of pets! This was such fun that I hope other Museum-goers will grant me interviews as well. (Anybody feel like going on exhibit? -smile-)
Wow, it's nice to learn more about the mysterious Whicky Wuudler! He's an admirable tough cat, and very intelligent.
Wow Whicky, my sisfurs say yoo is furry handsome...okay, I'm mancat enuff to say it too. It's nice to get to know more about yoo. We still think yoor beans need to get yoo a blog...dey don't gotta post effury day, it would just be nice to catch up wif what yoo is doing.
O, Whicky, you's furry hansome. specially tha ear-nicks. it's a "chicks dig scars" kinda fing.
your's story is so interesting, we's glad to get to know sumfing about you's, too.
Love and Purrs,
Whicky,it was so nice to finally meet you!!!! Sounds like you have a great home too :)
You are a handsome Mancat too ;)
I bet you are street wise.That is bound to attract the girlcats ;) heehee
Putts Mickey
It's very nice to meet and learn more about you Whicky! You are a totally cool cat!
Your FL furiends,
Whicky, it is so nice to finally learn more about you. It sounds like you have a great home with everything a cat could want. We would love to learn more about you.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Whicky it was fabulous to learn more about you and to see your handsome face and to find out that you are a tuxie!
Wow... this was really special to learn more about Whicky Wuudler and see pictures, too! He's so good about visiting us from time to time and we've never got to visit back... so we're taking this opportunity to say, "Hi WW... you are something special!"
Maggy and Zoey, and The Zoolatry Human
We are so glad to learn more about the mysterious Whicky Wuudler who frequently visits our blog. He is indeed one very handsome and studly Mancat!
Thank you, Curator, for shining that spotlight on the mysterious WW. And thank YOU, Whicky Wuudler, for pausing between blog visits to tell us about your handsome self. But I'm still dying to know... Whicky? Wuudler? What's up with that?
Wow WW!! Look at your ears!!! You are one tough cat!! It is nice to meet you and see you! Maybe your bean will get herself together and help you get a blog of your own soon!
Yeah! We finally get to meet the one and only Whicky Wuudler! You certainly have quite the life there!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. thanks for visiting us!!
Wow, it's fun to learn more about Whicky! Woo hoo! Fanks curator :)
Whicky, It's so good to meet you. You do need a blog tho. Purrrrrrs, the Hotties
WW, we've never heard the term "moggie". It must be European.
I'd call you a handsome tuxie mancat. 'Course I can say that, being a handsome tuxie mancat myself.
Max S
It was so nice to finally get a formal introduction to the mysterious Whichy Wuudler. We have appreciated your comments on our blog and wanted to tell you personally. We are impressed by your ear nicks, total mancat markings! When you get your own blog be sure to let us know.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar
I am so happy to learn more about the wonderful and mysterious Whicky Whuudler!
Hi handsome Whicky Wuudler! I too have seen u at my Emma's blog and it's so nice to put a face with the name! And good to know more about such a mancatly tuxie as yourself!
Oh it was so nice to meet you and learn a little about you!
Hi Whicky, it was nice to see you and put a face to your name. We know we have met on Chatzy but it is not the same as seeing you. You must persuade your human to get you a blog. We need more UK cats.
Furry interesting to meet you at last, Mr Whicky Wuudler!
I feel a little faint at the sight of the man catliness of the Whicky Wuudler. He is one of my favorites, and always has a grat comment to share. Purrs to Whicky
Whicky, you sure is a fine cat. I love those battered old ears of yours 'cos those battle scars show just what a brave old timer you have been.
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