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Washington, United States
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

parody fable from the 20's: the doughboy and the kitten

From a humorous book written in an Arabian Nights-style parody, an improving story about a kitten and a noble-hearted solider. . .
THE DOUGHBOY AND THE KITTEN I have witnessed no exhibition of Ardor chastened with Prudence more evident than is evinced by a Discharged Doughboy at a Special Sale of Shirts, having Sixty Dollars in his pocket, and remembering that besides the Shirts he must have a Suit.
And I beheld such an one on his way to procure his Citizens' Clothes, and he walked with a brisk step, with a stride such as he learned in the Fields of Flanders.  Now the street through which he passed had houses that were built solidly the one against the other, but each had a Small Dooryard in the front of it, with a Gate and a Brick Walk that led from the Door down to the Street.
And there stood at the Door of one of the houses a Small Kitten. And it pleaded piteously that it might enter. But there was none that regarded, neither any that opened the Door.
And the Doughboy turned upon his Heel as he had been the Pivot Man in a Left Wheel, and he turned to the Left, and he opened the Gate,  and he walked down the Brick Walk, and rang the Bell. And when the Door was opened, then did he hand in the Kitten, and Salute, and walk away. And I know not whether the Lady of the House liked it or not but she received the Kitten into the House, and did not shut it out.  And the Doughboy went on his way unto the Shirt Sale.  And when I saw him do that, I wished for him that he had money enough left over to buy him an Extra Good Striped Silk Shirt and a Four Dollar Necktie, besides those that he had money to buy. For I like that kind of a Doughboy. 
. . . The ending gets happier yet for our hero, and I'm putting the whole story in the Puss in Print eBook I'm still compiling.
From Safed and Keturah; the third series of the Parables of Safed the sage, by William E. Barton.  (Boston: Pilgrim Press, c1921), pp. 146-49.

1 comment:

The Creative Cat said...

interesting! can't wait to see the book!