About Me

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Washington, United States
loves: you win if you guessed "pets" and "museums". Also books, art history, travel, British punk, Korean kimchi, bindis, martinis, and other things TBD. I will always make it very clear if a post is sponsored in any way. Drop me a line at thepetmuseum AT gmail.com !

Friday, November 24, 2006

cats watching cats watching cats watching

Oh my head. Recall, shall we, the recent post about cats being the ultimate tech accessory? Yes. Now I've discovered a place where cats are the ultimate interactive application: take computer, add internet, garnish with a soupcon of cat fur and it's

The Infinite Cat Project

Oh my, you could lose yourself in here. And as the creator of Infinite Cat so succinctly puts it, "If you like this web site then thank your lucky stars that the world is populated with cats, Macs, and people with wayyyy too much time on their hands."

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