When cats aren't ruling the world, they're charming the hearts of the people who care for them, as chronicled in the new release Chicken Soup for the Soul: Loving Our Cats (Chicken Soup for the Soul, LLC, August 2008, $14.95, paperback). Their newest pet lovers title bundles tales about cats who healed their owners, rejuvenated relationships, gave new meaning to life and mended family rifts.
This is an excerpt from the press release for the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul title. There's lots more: inside this book you'll read about "Oscar, the garbage can kitty who won the heart of one dog-loving dad," and "Star, the cat who is celebrated every Christmas with an ornament in her likeness." 101 stories over 12 chapters cover everything from "The Power of the Bond" to "Hero Cats" to "Saying Goodbye."
As it happens, I have three copies of this nice book courtesy of Phenix & Phenix Literary Publicists. My job is to give 'em away, give 'em away, give 'em away now (I can't help sneaking a Red Hot Chili Peppers reference in there).
Lucky me! And soon, lucky three of you!
Leave a comment saying "I want a shot at that book!" or that kind of thing. Can't leave a comment for some reason? Drop a line at thepetmuseum@gmail.com . Three winners will be chosen at random on October 24th 2008 and announced on Halloween, Friday October 31st.
This would be the first cat story book if I happen to be the lucky one :)
What? I don't have a shelf? Well, SS would just have to make room for me. After all, she has so many books, why can't I have one?
We would love a chance to win that book for our MamaCat. She loves to cry over cat stories! Thanks!
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey
Wow, that looks like a great book, and I am a sucker for good cat stories. I'd love a shot at winning one of your copies. thanks. (nice blog btw,)
Take care - T.
I would love to have a chance at winning the book for my Mom! She loves cat stories.
please, please, please? We love books. They're great for rubbing our whiskers on.(plus a little drool)
Oh I would love to have a chance to win this nice book. Mommy loves them all...they helped get her through the loss of her mommy and then I came to live with her...I am a recycled cat!
Much love from Miss Peach
Red Hot Chili Peppers, so funny Curator. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and wishes on Daddy's recovery.
I'd love to toss my name in the pile. Maybe this will encourage Mommy to finally get me an agent so I will be able to get my book published, then I can give away copies too!
Me me me!! I want the book! Oh, I guess Scotchy and Sugar want it too. You've got 3 copies right? That would work out purrfectly.
This sounds like a great book, so what can we say? Except we want a shot at that book!
We would like a chance to win the book peas!!
-Niko and Cloudy
I would like a shot at that book
we gets great snuggle time when mommees reads. we jus gotta havs that book! besides we donts got any green papers to gets hers a purfday present.
yuki, kimiko, & kintaro
That looks like a great book, and dad says mom needs to read more....
Pixel and Samba
"I want a shot at that book!" I Love Kitty Books!!!
Yep, that would be one sweet read!
Count us in, purrs
Goldie and Shade
We'd like a chance to win that book. We don't read, but our Food Source is innerested in it.
Cat books are the best and "I want a shot at that book!" Thanks for a chance at the fun giveaway.
I want a shot at that book! Haven't been able to find a good read for over a month. I am jonzing for a cozy night in bed with a uplifting story to keep me up too late:)
I want a shot at that book!
And thus, we at CatSynth enter this contest :)
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